Woody Schultz wrote a fantastic blog post on mocap here: https://theactorsnetwork.net/blog/?p=338
So of course, I gotta follow up with a quick story about my recent introduction mocap…
Last month, my voice over agent called me to schedule a callback for a few roles in a sequel to a popular video game. I had done some minor characters in the original version, so I was excited to get in there and read for some lead roles. Since I don’t go outside of my studio for a voice over audition very often, I was excited to put on some make-up, get out of the house, and talk to real people!
When I arrived at casting, I signed in and noticed all the other women there were wearing black leggings and tight t-shirts, and one woman was stretching with her leg above her head. I thought, “She’s really dedicated to warming up her voice.” When it was my turn, I sauntered into the audition room in my cute Target schmata and flip flops. I noticed there was no microphone, but instead there was a camera. When I asked where the microphone was, the director laughed. He thought I was joking. But wait, I thought he was joking. Turns out (you guessed it), this audition was for mocap, and boy was I surprised. I moved as best I could in my cute Target schmata,and managed to nab a second callback, but I was pretty mortified that I didn’t come prepared the first time. I’m kind of a perfectionist that way.
Let my mortification serve to edify us all. I have since some to learn that most lead roles in video games will henceforth be done via mocap. The technology is there, and what a better way to make lifelike characters than to integrate the movement with the voice…and producers and directors want ONE person to do both. Several agencies around town are opening mocap divisions to serve the needs of mocap actors. So get out there and land some mocap work! Just make sure you skip the schmata and wear cute leggings to your audition.