Simply the finest actor organization I have ever seen. I have been a guest speaker many times and have found talented actors who have eventually become clients of mine.

– David Ziff (V.P. Commerical Department – CESD, LA)

Voice over is open for business 24/7 to clients all over the world.  If you have a PayPal account, a microphone, and internet access, you can fulfill orders for clients at any time in any country.  I’m assuming that you have studied VO, worked with a great producer to obtain at least one kick-ass demo, and that you have the all-important website to market said voice over services and expertise you’ve worked so hard to obtain.  The website is fundamental to generating your own income in the meritocracy that is online voice casting.

Make sure that you have key words pertaining to your brand all over your site and in the tags and meta-tags areas.  Put these key words not only in the title of your home page, but also all over your pages.  Describe your voice, name your demos, list clients and bookings.  Be sure to make your keywords as specific as possible to your brand.

If your website is still under construction, and you are a member of one of the online voice over casting sites, make sure you fully fill out your profile on those sites so that voice seekers can find you.  Take advantage of all the fields to list experience, home equipment details, voice description, demo titles and tags, education, client lists, even accents and dialects in which you are proficient (and I stress the word “proficient”).

For me, 2010 has been the year of casting directors and producers Googling “comedic voice over” or “comedic actress,” and finding my site in the first page of results.  I’ve landed several voice over jobs, on-going clients, and even plum theatrical auditions.  My website has been an indispensable tool in my career; well worth the investment in my little piece of web real estate.

Anna Vocino

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