According to my brilliant and knowledgeable New Media agent, Brandon Martinez at Abrams Artists…
“The great thing about New Media is that we do not have a slow season or busy season. No pilot season in New Media. If we’re operating around brands, then we are stuck to their schedule slightly. I believe most began a new fiscal year in July. Everyone is different, though.”
So, if there is no official pilot season, what does that mean for us?
We have to take many other things into consideration about when to market our show… And there is a lot of advice out there… such as Debrianna Mansini of Santa Fe is working on the Web series “Cyphers,” a scifi drama. She says “Webisodes are new. Is there a pilot season? We’re figuring we have one launch, and we don’t want to screw it up. You have to think globally, and people are communicating on their iPhones and iPads. You have to think outside of your local area.”
Questions for you to answer…
1. Who is my target audience?
2. Are we looking for corporate sponsorship? If so, who/ what?
3. When are those companies looking to spend their online marketing budget?
4. Do I want to coincide my launch with a specific entertainment television or movie event?
5. When are other similar shows launching their series?
Since there is no tried and true method for launching your series/show online, then we get to make up our own marketing plan. Unlike film and television, we are in charge of our own schedule, for better or for worse.
And I personally like that freedom.