Simply the finest actor organization I have ever seen. I have been a guest speaker many times and have found talented actors who have eventually become clients of mine.

– David Ziff (V.P. Commerical Department – CESD, LA)

Money, honey! Your art is sacred and priceless, but alas, producing it requires some dough. In this blog I’ve made a list of most of the potential costs associated with a theater production. The range of possible spending is wiiiiide and depends on your aims, the quality of the line item (i.e. fancy theater vs. black box), and the deals that you make. My own approach in self-producing has been to try to go as top-drawer as I can afford, in order to present myself in the most professional way. Another approach might be to go as low-budget as possible in order to get your feet wet.

Start by budgeting everything, then look at the bottom line and slash as needed, according to priority. Luckily, for a self-produced one-person show you won’t need everything on the list. You can look for ways to save money by doing things yourself or bartering with friends who can help out. Also, many of the jobs can be combined for a small production.

Now here’s the list of POSSIBLE EXPENSES:

Alrightee, friends, start racking up expenses!

Next time: Sources of Income.

With great love,
Jonna Tamases

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