Simply the finest actor organization I have ever seen. I have been a guest speaker many times and have found talented actors who have eventually become clients of mine.

– David Ziff (V.P. Commerical Department – CESD, LA)

New Union: Series (1of5): Eligibility

Well congratulations to the current leadership of the NEW UNION, SAG-AFTRA. I mean that both in humor, and quite damn seriously. We all have this wonderful or sick feeling that this arduous process and HUMP is over with. On some levels I agree, but on the other hand, what would the point of all this […]

SAG-AFTRA Merger: Series (5 of 5): The Future!

So what in the world has all this been about besides, ego, $$$$$, power, and control? Good question, cuz I’m not sure. As stated in Part 1, I’ve never understood why we could not reach a place of truly pulling together sooner OR have clarified differences and separation much sooner as things became more and […]

SAG-AFTRA Merger: Series (4 of 5): Our Money

I’ve saved this for next to last, because I do think in the end, this is the subject that has divided us more recently on the subject or concept of merger as opposed to the reasons that lead to the creation of the two different unions. Because so many years have passed and the differences […]

SAG-AFTRA Merger: Series 3 of 5: Mixed Nuts

So this part of the series focuses on what we’ll call “the others.” No, it isn’t a movie reference, and it is also not meant in ANY way to lessen who they are or their value. The reason I use that phrase is that it is what “people think” or how they phrase it when […]

SAG-AFTRA Merger: Series 2 of 5: SAGcentric

Over the last 15 years every time the word merger got mentioned…I cringed. I didn’t cringe because the thought of it was repulsive, I cringed because there just did not seem to be enough people who had a real vested interest as actors in truly coming up with a CONSTRUCT that would make any sense. […]