Simply the finest actor organization I have ever seen. I have been a guest speaker many times and have found talented actors who have eventually become clients of mine.

– David Ziff (V.P. Commerical Department – CESD, LA)

Amazon Orders Comedy Pilots!

Recently, as there seems to be almost every week, another conglomerate gets into the game of monetizing or investing in the ability and future reality of content creation. So now Amazon, not so long ago, dumped a bunch of money into the commitment of 6 Comedy Pilot orders. And while this is GREAT news in […]


A few weeks ago I was auditioning for a commercial with a session runner that I have known for a long time and admire his understanding of auditioning and what it takes to be “good” in the room.

Hey, that guy booked my commercial! Part II (or casting myth’s-part II)

After  my last post, I worked two solid weeks in casting and got a lot more material for this blog… The one thing I can assure you is not a myth, is that working in casting does get you more opportunities to audition, by sheer proximity to auditions and casting directors. The saying, “Out of […]


Here is a good one. I was working a session this week where the job shot in Argentina. That sounds awesome, right? Hell yeah it does. So, in this world of added security, you NEED TO HAVE A VALID PASSPORT!

The First Two Seconds

Place yourself in the mind/ears of a buyer who is combing through oodles of auditions.  Usually your agent is the first in a long line of people to listen to your audition.  Your agent hears all of the auditions that their clients send in for a particular role.  Let’s say they hear 50 people for […]

Mistaken Identity: Do you know what the Casting Director looks like?

THE BOURNE IDENTITY, unlike the movie, mistaken identity is not life or death… although it can feel like it. Do you know who’s auditioning you, not just their name, but their face? Like the movie, you are at a disadvantage, the c.d.. knows what you look like. Eventhough it’s not necessary to put a face to […]