Simply the finest actor organization I have ever seen. I have been a guest speaker many times and have found talented actors who have eventually become clients of mine.

– David Ziff (V.P. Commerical Department – CESD, LA)

Willy Loman says: “Be a likeable client!”

Since the beginning of Hollywood, and probably in a million offices around the world, the question has always existed: “What is the value…of being likeable?” Well, in a subjective profession like acting, I assure you, it matters a great deal so listen up!

Build a Strong Professional Network!

5 Things Every Actor Must Do (Presented by Miata Edoga) Written by Kevin E. West ( If your goal is to build a strong professional network you have to ask why? Why do you need a strong professional network? The simple answer is necessity. In any profession to enjoy a successful career a strong network […]

Amazon Orders Comedy Pilots!

Recently, as there seems to be almost every week, another conglomerate gets into the game of monetizing or investing in the ability and future reality of content creation. So now Amazon, not so long ago, dumped a bunch of money into the commitment of 6 Comedy Pilot orders. And while this is GREAT news in […]

Accountability Phopia: Value of Power Groups!

Yes, phobia, that weird thing that we have in our language that is listed as such: pho·bi·a (pho·bi·as), strong fear or dislike; an irrational or very powerful fear and dislike of something such as spiders or confined spaces (a phobia about traveling in elevators). Since the day I FOUNDED what became, The Actors’ Network, it […]


I have touched on this topic before, but just the other day in a casting I heard all the excuses and apologies I have heard in the past. So, just to recap because it is a new year… I know it is polite to apologize, that is the right thing to do when you may […]

Sometimes getting discouraged is a-okay.

What?  I know what you’re thinking… being discouraged is ok and not counterproductive?  Well, IF and only IF you utilize that frustration to create something out of it. Here’s my story…

Getting Paid (Part 4 of 4)

Box Office Bonuses: While back end points are based on a percentage of the profits, box office bonuses are usually a flat rate, based upon Daily Variety’s weekly box office chart.  They work as follows: If your film earns $1 million dollars in the box office as per Daily Variety, then you will get a […]

Getting Paid (Part 1 of 4)

There are different ways an actor can get compensated on a feature film: 1) Flat compensation, which is an “up front” daily or weekly rate, payable in lump sums or on a weekly basis; 2) back end compensation, which pays an actor out on the “back end” of a project, once the film has been […]

Expert! Expert! Read all about it!

When was the last time you turned on the TV and saw Jillian help an obese person lose weight, Emeril whip up a meal in 30 minutes or Ryan report on the goings-on of a celeb?  If you’re anything like me, it was probably just a few minutes ago. How is it that I can […]

One simple step…

CLUELESS: I am not talking about the movie, I am talking about a way of being. For the love of God, please act like a professional actor. Let me explain something, have any of you reading this ever worked in the service industry? Do you like it when you are 5 hours into an 8 hour […]