Love v. Love: Follow your heart!
At some point in your life, based on how young or old you may be, you’ve either said this yourself or heard it from someone…and if you haven’t…now you have. “I love what I’m doing, but not doing what I love.” Not only is that I believe the KEY to life, it also is valid […]
Commit to Your Material
Hi everybody, I know I’m in the middle of a blog series about self-producing, but I just had to break out to tell you briefly about a solo performance train wreck I recently saw and the important lessons it offered.
One simple step…
CLUELESS: I am not talking about the movie, I am talking about a way of being. For the love of God, please act like a professional actor. Let me explain something, have any of you reading this ever worked in the service industry? Do you like it when you are 5 hours into an 8 hour […]
Waiting For Inspiration
While I do not do it often, from time to time, I’ll get an email from a terrific member and I am just compelled to use the circumstances for a blog. Mind you, the identity of any member never matters…as it is the principle…that matters. The member wrote: I did not use the vast resources […]