Simply the finest actor organization I have ever seen. I have been a guest speaker many times and have found talented actors who have eventually become clients of mine.

– David Ziff (V.P. Commerical Department – CESD, LA)

Risk Avoid or Risk Manage Your Career

In passing tests to get my insurance licenses, I had to learn the difference between Risk Avoiding and Risk Managing.  The example given was that if a person wanted to ‘Avoid’ being in an auto accident then simply that person never gets in a CAR! If that same person wanted to ‘Manage’ that risk than […]

Learn To Live Lean

In an earlier post, I discussed the work we do to support ourselves while we ‘work’ to get more acting jobs. It’s not uncommon that that second or ‘B’ job starts workin’ pretty good for you.  Oh oh! “Danger, Will Robinson”.  What’s the danger? It is simply this: if that second job starts paying you […]

That “B” Career You’ve Always Wanted.

A few of you reading this post are making enough money just from your acting, that you don’t need a ‘B’ career or job. You are to be congratulated as you are in select company!  The bulk of us actors, however, are working at jobs so we can do something very meaningful and not at […]