Love v. Love: Follow your heart!
At some point in your life, based on how young or old you may be, you’ve either said this yourself or heard it from someone…and if you haven’t…now you have. “I love what I’m doing, but not doing what I love.” Not only is that I believe the KEY to life, it also is valid […]
Time to change your oil?
Are you busy? Is your planner full? Your class schedule, your job, your life to-do list, your personal life, your social life, all the social media outlets you’re trying to juggle…and just breathing. You busy? I bet you are, I bet you feel commonly tired, that you might be going around in circles, that you […]
Who knew that being 38,000 feet in the air can make you feel so grounded?
Sometimes getting away (even for just a weekend) can do wonders for one’s perspective on their career. Currently I’m sitting in seat 8A of a Southwest Airlines flight en route to Washington, DC, for a family event.