Simply the finest actor organization I have ever seen. I have been a guest speaker many times and have found talented actors who have eventually become clients of mine.

– David Ziff (V.P. Commerical Department – CESD, LA)

What are Specific Cues?

There are a few terms you’ll need to know when going into a looping session. Some of these are better described in a live class situation, but I’ll do my best to explain on paper in the next few blogs. In this blog we’ll tackle Specific vs. group (or walla walla) cues When you loop, […]

Getting comfortable in front of a mic.

So you wanna loop, but you aren’t comfortable in front of a mic. Or you want some practice. What can you do? I have a few thoughts… Improv is one of the BEST things a looper can have in their back pocket. You will be asked to get “up” and watch the screen in front […]

How can I get into looping?

Now that you know WHAT looping is….I’m sure your next question is…”How do I GET into looping?” This is the question I am asked the most once someone finds out I loop. This is a tricky one. Most people that want to loop do not even REALLY know what it is…they’ve just heard it’s this […]

What is Looping?

I figure a good place to start with a looping blog is to actually let you know WHAT looping is. Looping, also known as Group ADR (automated or automatic dialogue replacement), is the voice work that gets done in post production. It fills in all the “holes” from production. You may have, as an on […]