Simply the finest actor organization I have ever seen. I have been a guest speaker many times and have found talented actors who have eventually become clients of mine.

– David Ziff (V.P. Commerical Department – CESD, LA)

Willy Loman says: “Be a likeable client!”

Since the beginning of Hollywood, and probably in a million offices around the world, the question has always existed: “What is the value…of being likeable?” Well, in a subjective profession like acting, I assure you, it matters a great deal so listen up!

Build a Strong Professional Network!

5 Things Every Actor Must Do (Presented by Miata Edoga) Written by Kevin E. West ( If your goal is to build a strong professional network you have to ask why? Why do you need a strong professional network? The simple answer is necessity. In any profession to enjoy a successful career a strong network […]

Accountability Phopia: Value of Power Groups!

Yes, phobia, that weird thing that we have in our language that is listed as such: pho·bi·a (pho·bi·as), strong fear or dislike; an irrational or very powerful fear and dislike of something such as spiders or confined spaces (a phobia about traveling in elevators). Since the day I FOUNDED what became, The Actors’ Network, it […]

Viral Agency: “Is this the future?”

It has officially begun, even if well, it isn’t so official…or professional rather. Recently I received an email from, a Hollywood talent agency accepting new talent for those, “Seeking Representation.” The agency is called H-V-N Talent So here is a little story by an actor regarding this new “LEGIT – Licensed” agency. In the words […]

30-Day Window! (Representation)

So it is officially mid-June…where is your Representation? Since my first year in Los Angeles all I have been doing since that day, I think sometimes, is altering things that people told me where absolutely true…because I’ve learned…they just aren’t. One of those many Hollywood myths is that there are only two times per year […]

Meet ‘n Greet

Meetings are GREAT, but it’s all about the follow-up! In the last blog I posted, I talked about how to score meetings with people that perhaps you feel are “out of your league.”

Pick up the phone!

You have a fancy schmancy cell phone and an even cooler laptop and yet I’m going to guess that you don’t pick up that phone or shoot off an email from that laptop to a big producer whom you deem to be “out of your reach.”  Am I right?  Or, am I right?