Self-Producing VII: Production Timeline
Let’s get back to the discussion of self-producing your one-person show in a theater. As a self-producer, you’ll be juggling many many details, which can be daunting and stressful. Your most important ally will be TIME.
Self-Producing VI: Sources of Income, Pt.2
Continuing the discussion from my last blog, Sources of Income Pt. 1, here are some more exciting ways you can raise money for your production.
Self-Producing V: Sources of Income, Pt. 1
In my last blog I listed all the various items on which you’ll be spending money to self-produce your one-person show. Now let’s talk about potential revenue sources for your work.
Self-Producing IV: Creating a Budget
Money, honey! Your art is sacred and priceless, but alas, producing it requires some dough. In this blog I’ve made a list of most of the potential costs associated with a theater production. The range of possible spending is wiiiiide and depends on
Self-Producing III: Initial Planning
Hi everyone. In previous blogs I’ve discussed the challenges and rewards of self-producing a theater run of your one-person show. Now let’s get down to some of the details of HOW to do it. We’ll start with the Initial Planning.
Commit to Your Material
Hi everybody, I know I’m in the middle of a blog series about self-producing, but I just had to break out to tell you briefly about a solo performance train wreck I recently saw and the important lessons it offered.
Self-Producing II: Overview – Rewards
Last blog we talked about some of the serious challenges of self-producing a theater run of your one-person show. So here’s the good part: the rewards and benefits.
Getting Paid (Part 4 of 4)
Box Office Bonuses: While back end points are based on a percentage of the profits, box office bonuses are usually a flat rate, based upon Daily Variety’s weekly box office chart. They work as follows: If your film earns $1 million dollars in the box office as per Daily Variety, then you will get a […]
Getting Paid (Part 3 of 4)
Interchangable Terms: When negotiating a profit provision in a contract, the definition of profits must be well worded, clearly defined and negotiated very carefully. Net profits, gross profits, gross revenue, gross points, adjusted gross profits, adjusted net profits, producer net profits—these terms can necessitate extremely different calculations or very similar accountings, depending how they’re worded, […]
Getting Paid (Part 2 of 4)
Profit Participation on Lower Budgeted Films: Sometimes actors receive back end points if they are working below the SAG minimum and on a lower budgeted film. SAG has 3 alternatives for films budgeted under $2.5 million: Low, Modified Low and Ultra Low Budget Agreements. These agreements allow producers to pay less in up front fees, […]