Improv vs Sketch vs. Stand-Up; Whats the dif? Part II
The major difference between Improv and Stand up is team vs individual. Improv is a team sport (if you’ve ever seen an improv show where this is not realized it is PAINFUL) while stand-up is a solo sport. Improv is soccer, stand-up is boxing. Improv is hockey, Stand-up is surfing. Improv is Jai alai, Stand-up is […]
Improv vs Sketch vs. Stand-Up; Whats the dif?
I am surprised by the number of actors who are confused by my saying come check out my improv show. First response is usually something in the area of, “So you’re doing Stand-up at the Improv?” No, I’m doing an improv show? Their response, “So, like sketches then…?” Many actors who aren’t in the comedy […]