Don’t always listen to me.
A few weeks back I told you to always “feel free to make it your own.” Remember? I said that hosting auditions mostly want to see YOU not necessarily their copy. Well, I am eating crow right now because I was SO wrong, at a recent audition.
Who knew that being 38,000 feet in the air can make you feel so grounded?
Sometimes getting away (even for just a weekend) can do wonders for one’s perspective on their career. Currently I’m sitting in seat 8A of a Southwest Airlines flight en route to Washington, DC, for a family event.
Pangs of success
Have you ever wanted success so much that it left you with a pang inside?
I’ve never done this before. Really!
Well OK that could have sounded naughty, but it’s totally innocent, I swear!
Be prepared for a boring post.
Sorry, people, but it was bound to happen, at some point. I can only flower things up for so long before I have to get into the totally lame and boring topic of keeping track of your notes. Like I said, BORING!
Competitive Intelligence isn’t just for spies!
Whenever I read in the trades that Joe Blow will be hosting XYZ show OR when I find out that Jane Blow just got hired for a job that I was up for, I immediately (if not sooner) Google them. Kinda like before a blind date!
“We CAN do anything, but can’t do EVERYTHING!”
I was just in a meeting at a management firm and noticed the above quote, on a whiteboard. I stopped the meeting to write it down because it is so profoundly appropriate for me… and, probably many of us. Hence, why I’m blogging about it. The bottom line is that many of us chase any […]
Sometimes getting discouraged is a-okay.
What? I know what you’re thinking… being discouraged is ok and not counterproductive? Well, IF and only IF you utilize that frustration to create something out of it. Here’s my story…
Listening can make you a jerk?
I was at a hosting audition today and was paired up with a cute guy as my co-host. FUN!
A Picture is Worth 1000 Somethings…
Somebody called me the other day asking if I had the name of a good headshot photographer, for hosts. Naturally, I have a great headshot photographer (Elias McCabe); however, I would hardly say he’s particular to hosts, or even actors, for that matter. I would say he’s a dang good photographer period.