Simply the finest actor organization I have ever seen. I have been a guest speaker many times and have found talented actors who have eventually become clients of mine.

– David Ziff (V.P. Commerical Department – CESD, LA)


As the years have clicked on, more and more production companies have asked us hosts to shoot our own audition videos.  Urg.  What am I?  A production house?  Or, am I simply talent?

Become and Esq.

Well, OK perhaps actually becoming an attorney is a bit much; however reading and rereading your UNsigned contracts is an absolute MUST.

Shocker: Don’t always listen to me.

A few weeks back I told you to always “feel free to make it your own.”  Remember?  I said that hosting auditions mostly want to see YOU not necessarily their copy. Well, I am eating crow right now because I was SO wrong, at a recent audition.

A real life case study in combing the trades.

By now you’ve probably heard me espouse the importance of reading the trades.  Right?  Well, I feel compelled to show you how it worked for me, recently. A few weeks ago, I woke up to my regular routine of brushing my teeth while reading the trades, around 6:30am.  I saw the blurb below and followed […]

Cheat sheets aren’t just for high school, anymore.

You have been doing as I’ve suggested: you read the trades on a daily basis; you’ve been watching TV to see what types of new shows are getting made, which old shows are getting canceled and which are getting picked-up, again.  Additionally, you’re developing your own ideas in hopes of getting pitch meetings, selling the […]

It’s just a little white lie…

How many times have you told a little fib?  Often, right?  We all do.  Things like:  Sure I read that book; I weigh exactly what it says on my driver’s license; I’m comfortable swimming; I’m completely proficient in using a teleprompter. Talent lies because talent wants to work!  Some lies seem easy to forgive (especially […]

10 reasons to create your own show:

It requires you to watch TV with a more critical eye for what’s being sold… so when you audition for somebody else’s show, you’ll understand what they’re looking for. It feels good to act like you’re “in the game”… sometimes you’ve gotta fake it until you make it (shh, don’t tell anybody I said that)! […]

Who’s the star?

If you work in this wacky business as a host, actor or even a grip, I highly recommend reading the trades as it’s important to be fluent in the goings on in the industry.  The following 3 paragraphs (regarding which hosts will likely be nominated for Emmys) are courtesy of Cynopsis, an online trade…


I always say it’s important to know what’s selling and what’s winning… Read on, if you’d like to stay in the know. Lifted from Cynopsis…