Simply the finest actor organization I have ever seen. I have been a guest speaker many times and have found talented actors who have eventually become clients of mine.

– David Ziff (V.P. Commerical Department – CESD, LA)

“Build it and they shall come”

The phrase, “Build it and they shall come,” was made famous in the movie Field of Dreams. What in the world does a movie quote about baseball have to do with your TV hosting career?   It’s all about the build. How do you build a hosting career if you’ve never hosted before?  Naturally, YOU know […]

Expert! Expert! Read all about it!

When was the last time you turned on the TV and saw Jillian help an obese person lose weight, Emeril whip up a meal in 30 minutes or Ryan report on the goings-on of a celeb?  If you’re anything like me, it was probably just a few minutes ago. How is it that I can […]

And the award goes to…

Grabbed from Cynopsis: On Friday evening, the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences announced the winners of the 37th Annual Daytime Entertainment Creative Arts Emmy Awards at an event held in Los Angeles. Christian LeBlanc of CBS’ The Young & the Restless hosted and was joined by presenters running the gamut of daytime television. […]

Make it your own!

Do you hate it when you go to an audition and the casting person says, “Feel free to make it your own” … as if they hadn’t hired a completely competent writer to slave over every work in the script!  It’s not as if you’re getting paid to rewrite their bloody copy, right? WRONG! As […]

TV Host VS Actor

People often assume I’m an actor because I work on-camera; and while, I hate to be nit-picky, I have to correct them because I am NOT an actor. I’m a host. Um, what’s the difference? As an actor, one plays a role (another person).  Duh.  You’re probably an actor, so you didn’t need me to […]