Simply the finest actor organization I have ever seen. I have been a guest speaker many times and have found talented actors who have eventually become clients of mine.

– David Ziff (V.P. Commerical Department – CESD, LA)

Amazon Orders Comedy Pilots!

Recently, as there seems to be almost every week, another conglomerate gets into the game of monetizing or investing in the ability and future reality of content creation. So now Amazon, not so long ago, dumped a bunch of money into the commitment of 6 Comedy Pilot orders. And while this is GREAT news in […]

Accountability Phopia: Value of Power Groups!

Yes, phobia, that weird thing that we have in our language that is listed as such: pho·bi·a (pho·bi·as), strong fear or dislike; an irrational or very powerful fear and dislike of something such as spiders or confined spaces (a phobia about traveling in elevators). Since the day I FOUNDED what became, The Actors’ Network, it […]

In the MIND of Casting!

Vocational training. Yes, you heard me…vocational training. Here is another one: apprenticeship. There are lots of ways to say, or discuss, education…but at the end of the day when it comes to ALL forms of knowledge you are either an intellectual who simply discusses things…or you have UNDERSTANDING…which means you’ve experienced them. One of the […]

When Things Go Wrong Onstage

Opening night of my one-woman show, “Jonna’s Body, Please Hold.”  The first act went great. I was glowing as I headed backstage for intermission, so happy. Until I looked down and realized my fly had been open the entire first act.

Hey, that guy booked my commercial – part1

I was thinking about a lot of misconceptions that other actors have about session runners who also act and that they have a perceived “unfair advantage” when it comes to booking jobs over other actors. Here are a few of the myths about working in casting as an actor. Myth #1 – The session runner […]

Commit to Your Material

Hi everybody, I know I’m in the middle of a blog series about self-producing, but I just had to break out to tell you briefly about a solo performance train wreck I recently saw and the important lessons it offered.

Are Webisodes Worth Doing?

We, as actors, are inundated with hundreds of ways to forward our careers everyday, especially in Los Angeles. In addition to film and television, we can pursue voice over, hosting, industrials, stand-up, student films, and a host of other venues. Not to mention opportunities at writing, directing, and producing. And being the innovative creatures that […]

How did you get in to this performance capture thing?

Once upon a time in a casting office far, far, away…let’s face it, with LA traffic they’re all far away…an eager, young actor (we’ll call him Woody) arrived for what he thought would be an ordinary audition. Granted, it was for a film to be directed by one of his favorites, Robert Zemeckis, but the […]

TV Host VS Actor

People often assume I’m an actor because I work on-camera; and while, I hate to be nit-picky, I have to correct them because I am NOT an actor. I’m a host. Um, what’s the difference? As an actor, one plays a role (another person).  Duh.  You’re probably an actor, so you didn’t need me to […]