Vote, cuz it matters!
Yes, it is VOTING that I’m discussing and that would be that ballot you have sitting on your coffee table RIGHT NOW. Now, if you’ve already voted, yay for you…and I personally appreciate it. And sure, if you’re not yet an eligible voting member of the union…PLEASE read on…because this still applies to you.
Einstein: Techno-idiots continued!
Here it is again, but with a different point with regards to the famous Einstein quote: “I Fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” Just how smart was this guy…well, very. While yes, his quote was far more philosophical then I intend it for […]
Amazon Orders Comedy Pilots!
Recently, as there seems to be almost every week, another conglomerate gets into the game of monetizing or investing in the ability and future reality of content creation. So now Amazon, not so long ago, dumped a bunch of money into the commitment of 6 Comedy Pilot orders. And while this is GREAT news in […]
Consistent Repetition = Success!
Do it again! Do it again. Again, again and again. Allow me to remind you that Coca-Cola is the most successful soft drink in the world, and they don’t change their logo every 2 years, 5 years or 10 years and what they do is still advertise. They advertise everywhere, all the time, so as […]
Professionally Pushy: When, Why…and how much?
Yes, I’ve been busy remodeling the TAN studio, and other such key aspects of the organization, but along the way this very important aspect of our careers…came back to me. Take it to heart, and learn HOW to do it, because it can make or break your career. This subject, all on its own, tends […]
Post 4th Mayhem: Are you ready?
Here we are only days away. Days away from what you ask? Well, from the avalanche, the tidal wave, the thunderous running with the bulls of Hollywood known as…Fall TV Season. However, isn’t it ironic that the title given has nothing to do with the actual season we’re in, and that is the absolute big […]
New Union: Series (5of5): $$$$$ n’ Pension
So now we come to the “biggie.” I say that, because this was the propaganda tool regarding merger. I’m not saying that because I don’t feel it is ultra important…I do. Remember, I’m many years vested (meaning I have a pension), so the bottom line is that it means a great deal to me. However, […]
New Union: Series (4of5): Modified Limitations
So now it is time to discuss this little issue I have moving forward with our NEW UNION. The SAG-AFTRA merger is predicated on “more strength” “consolidation of wasted Admin monies and effort” along with of course “more bargaining power.” Well, by God, if this is going to be the case then we better do […]
New Union: Series (3of5): Modern Admin.
Now this is probably the easiest of this series to write because it is so ridiculously obvious what must be done. If you’re a newer actor the Admin technology I’ll be discussing is easy to understand, but you’ll not have had as much experience with the problem. If you’re a longer term, more veteran, or […]
New Union: Series (2of5): Monitoring
Here is the second such entry on my series regarding where we are after the newly MERGED unions of SAG-AFTRA. The subject of this post is very clear, WAY overdue, and going to become on of the main 3 reasons actors either survive or don’t…in my opinion.