Simply the finest actor organization I have ever seen. I have been a guest speaker many times and have found talented actors who have eventually become clients of mine.

– David Ziff (V.P. Commerical Department – CESD, LA)

When Things Go Wrong Onstage

Opening night of my one-woman show, “Jonna’s Body, Please Hold.”  The first act went great. I was glowing as I headed backstage for intermission, so happy. Until I looked down and realized my fly had been open the entire first act.

Self-Producing V: Sources of Income, Pt. 1

In my last blog I listed all the various items on which you’ll be spending money to self-produce your one-person show. Now let’s talk about potential revenue sources for your work.

Self-Producing IV: Creating a Budget

Money, honey! Your art is sacred and priceless, but alas, producing it requires some dough. In this blog I’ve made a list of most of the potential costs associated with a theater production. The range of possible spending is wiiiiide and depends on

Self-Producing III: Initial Planning

Hi everyone. In previous blogs I’ve discussed the challenges and rewards of self-producing a theater run of your one-person show. Now let’s get down to some of the details of HOW to do it. We’ll start with the Initial Planning.

Commit to Your Material

Hi everybody, I know I’m in the middle of a blog series about self-producing, but I just had to break out to tell you briefly about a solo performance train wreck I recently saw and the important lessons it offered.

Self-Producing II: Overview – Rewards

Last blog we talked about some of the serious challenges of self-producing a theater run of your one-person show. So here’s the good part: the rewards and benefits.

Self-Producing I: Overview – Challenges

Having a run of your show at a theater may seem like the holy grail of solo-performing. Your name on the marquis, a fancy poster, a regular schedule of performances to which everyone can come. Reveiws! Packed houses! Recognition! Yes, self-producing a theater run of your one-person show can be phat satisfying

Building Your One-Person Show: Workshopping

Before you throw a ton of effort and money into an official production of your show, make sure you’ve got the best show possible: that your writing is tight, staging is compelling, and that the show communicates what you want it to. How do you know?  You workshop your material and get feedback.